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About us

Drum Roll Please…


Launched in 2018, the name Vanilla may be new to you but as part of Charterhouse Holdings plc, we have a rich heritage in garment manufacture and supplying digital textile printing solutions.

Our retail-inspired fashion basics all feature a common DNA…

  • The perfect print surface: Our fabrics are developed and extensively tested to ensure they provide the optimum surface for decoration
  • Adhesive or tear-out labels for simple rebranding
  • Soft handle giving greater wear comfort
  • Superior “wash and wear performance”
  • Ethically sourced and made with love and consideration for the environment

Put simply, our clothing makes a great base for your brand.

We're a trade-only brand supplying the garment decoration industry. Our clothing is designed to be printed and we therefore only sell to businesses that can add value to the garments through printing. We do not sell to the general public.

To view our prices and order directly, please complete our trade registration form so that we can verify your details and set up your trade account (notification is usually within 24 hours). Alternatively, if you’d rather speak to us to register, you can call us on (+44) 01332 858 444.



Get In Touch

Phone: (+44) 01332 858 444

Address: Oakridge Park, Trent Lane, Castle Donington, Derby, DE74 2PY

Vanilla - Fashion For Print is a division of Charterhouse Holdings plc.